Friday, December 4, 2009

Last Call

While climbing through the Tower at Antietam Battlefields remembering how Maryland tried so hard to stay neutral suddenly overwhelmed by armies from both the North and the South. I found my memories had created the sounds in my head of the last call of the dying and the ground flooded with blood for a mile or more.
As the smoke and noise and desisting armies left Maryland, burying the memories of thousands upon thousands of men. Imagine fighting in their very own back yards, fields and meadows! Those in the nearby towns and villages never able to release the memories of those who had screamed their last call! Momma, daddy, or the name of their True Love! And tomorrow never comes.
The very sounds of the muzzles firing and cannons blasting and the smoke rising in the air for miles. As I came back to reality and 2009 descending down the steps of The Tower, the sounds fade from my head as I exit the acres of the huge park.
The sounds inside my mind are silent now as I enter a small city where the local buried their dead from that day next to a huge church, where the stones go on and on. Hearing the silent pain and screams from inside those who were experiencing that solemn moment of prayer remembering the ones going home for His last call as those left behind determine the permanent memory of those loved in their minds for eternity!

Sharon Rose T. ©

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Sharon Rose T. ©

Lion Seated Stance,

Touch me! Your all boy love

Blacken face jowl shake!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Entering Another Culture

On the surface,
Men in black,
Mind's eye lens,
Some she's clad in skin.
Gasoline and odoriferous rubber,
Entering underground.

Like Shakespearean stages,
Catwalks ' "Four Corners,"
Leather and safety.
Men in blue and gray,
Crosswalks and music,
Appetites soar from searing air.

Boots on wood decks,
Akin to Blackbeard's day.
Shipping on land,
Oh, what a sight,
Vendors with ware,
Speaking with care.

Tomorrow brings sun,
Entering another culture,
Oh, what fun, seeing!
No hatred here,
Others and Harley's galore,
Sharing and ogling!

Chrome and mirrors,
Testosterone and pipes,
Oh, the sight of rubber chips.
Free tires today, Oh yeah!
Peaceful and free,
America, how it used to be!

Wind in your hair,
Freedom to dare.
Nowadays posse's in blue,
Snare those crossing the limit.
Underground stay put,
You may be America's last stand!

Don't give up and don't quit,
That's what He would say.
Live for today,
Tomorrow may not come.
Ships still sail daily,
See you on the 'Catwalks'!

Our World (from my Auntie)

Looking through memories of
a recent photo exchange within
families I found this in our
family photos and now I see why my
families love to visit us as we
live in an Awesome Place!
Awesomely designed for us all!
Just wanted to share some wet landscapes.
If you want to see the details just click on
the pictures and they will enlarge.
Enjoy the views. This is where I live everyday!
More to come I'm sure. LOL Still

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Solitaire Is Still Alright With Me!

Solitaire is like the game of cards you may do anything you like as long as no one is watching. Or so you may hope no one sees you move that cards out of the way! Oh you have all done it even mama has moved a card out o the way. Ha! I don't believe that you have never moved a card out of the way. So, yes you may not remember that you moved that card out of the way but, you have! Everyone has once only to find out that you still could not win. Now betcha can't do it on the computer with Solitaire if they even still have such a thing. Well of course I've moved on tho bigger and better games haven't we all but, they are still solitaire if you want them to be or you can play with people all over the world. The solitude is still sometimes better that the drama. Good clean fun in solitaire
yes there is. Solitaire is faithful and true, and Solitaire cannot nag, talk back, whine, yell, cajole or bother you in any way. If it does just stuff those cards in a box and give them infinitely long time outs. That's right don't touch them, talk to those cards or otherwise be bothered. Get on the computer and just tell those cards they are obsolete! Or you could just forgive that hand and go at it again! :)